5 Facts About Me ♥

  Hi guys!! I'm sorry for this blog post going up a bit late, but it is Easter Half Term so I have been quite busy the last week! Anyway, this is just a quick blog post for this week as I'm planning things for the next one! This blog post is '5 Facts About Me!'

You many have seen these types of videos on YouTube back in the day, but I thought since I've just started this blog going, why not do it now!

1. I'm OBSESSED with the Sims 3!

Some of you may already know this, but I play The Sims 3 basically 24/7. I have been playing The Sims 3 for nearly 5 years now and I think it's the closest thing you will ever get to real life! I can do whatever I want, download loads of Custom Content (yes, I do that) and make the perfect family!

Here are a couple pictures of my Current Household:


2. My all time favourite YouTuber is Joe Sugg aka. ThatcherJoe

So I've had A LOT of favourite YouTubers in the past, but Joe definitely beats all of them! He is just so funny and makes me laugh at least once in every single one of his videos! I love when he does collabs with Caspar Lee or Jack & Conor Maynard, double the fun and double the laughs. I love his YouTuber Big Brother series on his gaming channel at the moment (which of course is a Sims series...) and I of course love his main channel videos! I need to move on. this paragraph is so long! I PROMISE you I'm not obsessed! (I promise!)

3. I LOVE singing!

If you have ever scrolled down through my Instagram page (My Instagram is Bethany_Gribble), you may have seen some covers floating around and that is because I absolutely LOVE singing! Although it is only a hobby and not something I want to do full time, I really enjoy singing. I can also play guitar, a bit of ukulele and I'm currently learning keyboard. It's something that I've been doing since I was little and it is something that runs in the family. I do have a YouTube Channel where I sing with my older cousin Chloe which you can check out here! Yeah, it's just something I love and do CONSTANTLY!!

4. I like school.

Now this may come to a shock to most of you as it is very common that kids my age HATE school, but I think it's a privilege that I get an education. School is basically where you life begins and it certainly helps you in the future. If you didn't go to school, you wouldn't even be able to read this right now, as you wouldn't understand. It's something I think that will really help me when I'm older and even though I'm not in the top end years of school yet, it is something that I will probably thank later on in life :)

5. I am YouTube obsessed!

Last but not least, another obsession! This is something I do when my Sims basically stops working or I don't feel like playing it. I already told you that I like Joe Sugg, so it's probably no shock that I like the comedy side of videos. I think Sundays & Mondays are the busiest nights each week, as everyone likes to upload :D I do like the boys videos better than the girls (sorry girls!), but I do like watching people like Zoella or Tanya Burr when I want a relaxing night, but mostly I'm crying with laughter all the time!

Anyway, that concludes this blog post! I hope now you've now learnt something new about me that you didn't know already. I want you guys to leave some comments on my blog posts of what you want to see as this is my third post and I'm already running out of ideas, so give me all your wonderful ideas! I hope you liked this post and I will see you all next week! Bye <3

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bethany_gribble/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/bethany_gribble


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